In every sport there is competition and opposition, it Influences the process and the outcome of the event, yet sport isn’t the only industry that has these factors that can dictate the terms. The business industry is the same and so is the military, but what they all have in common is essentially opposition analysis, training and a game plan.
Depending on what type of business you are in, you have a service or a product, you will analyse the competition and see what the market is and compare brands to see how you can create an advantage over them, then you would train your staff to thrive in an environment you create and provide a great service which you intend to bring successful outcomes.
In the military for soldiers, especially the men and women that fight in CQB (Close quarter battles) Have a similar process, there are many other underlying factors but essentially, if they have access to the environment they will be going into, they analyse it and then create it to simulate their training inside a structure, then they go out and execute. Working together, they use different strategies to help with their decision making to solve the problem and accomplish the mission.
Both industries analyse their opposition and competition to find and create an advantage, with their skillsets they then train to prepare to face their opposition, sometimes they train by simulating the situations they will face, then they go and execute their plan to achieve their desired outcome, its very similar but yet so different to sport.
Because of this, there are so many transferable method’s, skills and action plans you can take away and implement into sport. In regard to game plans, one of the best learnings I have transferred from business is stick to a plan, execute it, then always review what you are trying to implement. From some studies I’ve conducted about military training have concluded that they train different situations and simulate the performing environment.
These different learnings have assisted in shaping my philosophy.
A game plan is a set of strategies and tactics with actionable steps to help teams solve a specific problem based on the context and consequences of the problem, it comprises the solutions in what outcomes it achieves and how it achieves them. It has methods, instructions & guidelines for players to follow to enhance their decision making in different situations, this allows for players to become predictable to one another because they understand what they need to do in specific situations that they are familiar to, Its a plan for solving problems, creating advantages and achieving success.
To be a talented tactician, I believe you need to not only have great tactical knowledge and understand how to plan, but also understand how to provide the best learning environment for players to be able to simulate solving different problems that they would face during a game.
The all new AFL Sports ready and AFLCA (Coaches association) advanced certificate in creating and implementing AFL game plans course will dramatically improve your knowledge in coaching game plans, it provides many different game plans that have been conducted with in AFL teams.
You will not only learn about AFL game plans currently, but also how to improve your tactical knowledge by analysing different games where the methods can transfer between different sports.
The course content covers a range of different information about the following areas
- Developing a coaches tactical knowledge
- Developing a players tactical knowledge
- How to create a game plan
- Planning and implementing
- Creating drills for your game plans
- How to teach the game plan
- Different game plans for AFL, AFLW, Juniors & Seniors
- Opposition analysis
- People management
It also includes vision with examples for you to analyse about different strategies and tactics for you to implement in your side. The last day to enrol is Monday the 12th of October, book your place today.
Enrol today, by clicking on the link below.